Web site update and book update!

New site design. It wasn’t how I expected to spend my Sunday, but yesterday I revamped my web page. I noticed that something was broken with the header on...

Short Story: To the Hatchings, Part II

This is part two of a three-part story. Originally I thought it was going to be a two-part story, but it just kept going! So there is more to enjoy. If you have...

Book two is finished!

 Coming soon: Dragons of Arethia Book Two: Binding Magic I’m happy to announce that I’ve finished the rough draft of Dragons of Arethia Book Two. It...

Welcome to the world, Astrid Emelia!

Baby I’m long overdue for a blog post here, but this tiny little one has been taking up all of my time, and she frequently occupies my hands, as well. She was t...