Spring Garden Treasury on Etsy

About a month ago, I joyously began preparations for this summer’s garden, basking in the sun, planting seeds, and listening to the trickling of water running off from the piles of melting snow. This week, we got 23 more inches of snow in Duluth, MN. I guess spring isn’t coming as quickly as I hoped. That won’t stop me from dreaming or preparing for my garden, though! I have some trays of seedlings slowly growing in my office window. What I really wish to have someday is a set of grow lights in the basement, but until then I will keep plants on my desk in the office, so I can close the door on the cats.

So far, my seedling inventory is 11 tomato plants, 4 just-sprouted peppers, 7 cauliflower and 7 broccoli. They would probably be growing more quickly if they had more direct light, but at the rate the snow is melting around here (read: NOT melting!), it is okay if they take their time.

To add a splash of color to my life, I created an Etsy treasury of gardening-related items. Some are useful, some are just pretty. Enjoy! Click on the image below to go to the treasury page on Etsy.

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