Adventures in sewing after a knitting injury

There’s just something about size 8 or 9 knitting needles that my hands do not like. I was knitting away, making great progress on a baby blanket for a friend using two strands of fingering weight sock yarn held double on size 8 needles. It’s knit from the center out, so the number of stitches on the circular needles kept growing and growing. Something about the combination of that needle size, plus manipulating all of those stitches crammed on the circular pushed my wrist past its limit. Once I’ve got the injury, ANY knitting will make it hurt. Sigh.

So I’ve been knitting a bit here, and a bit there, but I haven’t been able to have a good solid chunk of knitting time like I’d like to.

Back in May, I was laying around a lot with a back injury, and I discovered all kinds of sewing projects on Instagram. It was the tail end of “Me Made May,” or #memademay, and so many knitters who were also sewers (sewists?) were posting gorgeous simple shirts and dresses.

So I decided that I would start small, by making baby things. I know my way around a sewing machine from taking “Living Skills” class in 7th grade. But I’ve always been a bit intimidated by the whole process of following a pattern, so I’d always felt that I couldn’t do complicated things.

It turns out, I can do it, as long as I take it a step at a time, just like with most other things that I’ve learned how to do. Look at this adorable dress I made for Astrid!

Photo Aug 10, 6 31 30 AM Photo Aug 10, 6 53 10 AM Photo Aug 10, 6 53 53 AM

The pattern I used is the Polly Peasant Dress by Sew Much Ado. I really loved it because it had a detailed photo tutorial explaining each step. As I said, I’m not very experienced with patterns, so I don’t know if that’s usual or not, but it really helped me do well making this dress. I’m already almost done with a shirt from the same pattern.