Welcome to the world, Astrid Emelia!

pink astridBaby

I’m long overdue for a blog post here, but this tiny little one has been taking up all of my time, and she frequently occupies my hands, as well. She was two weeks old as of Tuesday, and I can’t believe that two weeks have gone by so fast!

Just like she’s supposed to, Astrid eats, sleeps, and poops a lot, and that’s pretty much it. We’re lucky that she likes to sleep a lot, but it’s also something we’ve learned we can’t always count on. In the evenings she cluster feeds, meaning that she pretty much constantly wants to nurse. Then she falls asleep, and if she gets moved, she wakes up and wants to be nursed again. I quickly learned that my evenings belong to Astrid, which is totally okay by me.


My Indiegogo crowd funding campaign came to a quiet end yesterday. Although I didn’t meet my goal, I’m still calling it a success. I never knew what to expect when I started the campaign, and the generosity and support of my friends, family, and community have left me feeling incredibly humbled. I am STILL working on finishing sending out the campaign perks for those who opted to receive them.

Since several people declined to receive a perk in exchange for their contribution, I am going to find a different way to say thank you for the contributions. I’m pledging to volunteer 100 hours in my community helping children in some way. Once I find a volunteer opportunity that works for me I will post about it here and make updates about my progress.

Dragons of Arethia: Book Two

The as-yet unnamed second novel in my Dragons of Arethia series is finally nearing completion. By the time Astrid was born, I had completed the word count goal I’d had for the novel, but the story didn’t cooperate and required me to write many more words before it was finished! So I’m still writing as much as I can, despite having precious few moments to get much done.

The best thing I’ve discovered so far is that I can actually type quite quickly on my iPad with one hand while I use the other to hold Astrid while she nurses. I ran out of things to read while she was breastfeeding, and I did download some ebooks, but switching back and forth between reading and writing during nursing sessions has turned out to be the most fun. It’s gotten easier as Astrid and I have both gotten better at the whole breastfeeding thing.

In the last couple of weeks, Amazon introduced the ability for indie authors to have a preorder button for their books, and I’m going to try it with this book! So watch this space, or sign up for my newsletter on the sidebar to the right, to get news of when my book becomes available for preorder.